A) Fruit and vegetable dehydration is one of mankind's oldest types of food preservation techniques. It consists mainly of facilities involved in sun-drying or artificially dehydrating fruits and vegetables. Food preservation is the primary reason for dehydration by reducing both the weight and volume of the final product. Dehydration of fruits and vegetables often reduces the cost of processing, storing, and transport. The value of dehydrated fruits and vegetables is greater and given more importance due to the good quality of dehydrated foods. There is also an increased emphasis on instant and convenient foods. A variety of processes can generate dried or dehydrated fruits and vegetables. These processes are mainly differentiated by the type of drying system used, which depends on the type of food and the quality of the final product's characteristics. The removal of the majority of water is the primary stage in the development of dehydrated fruits and vegetables. Several drying methods are commercially available and quality requirements, raw material characteristics, and economic factors decide the selection of the optimal process.